ZIoT Systems

Advanced Industrial Monitoring

At ZIoT Systems, we understand that not every organization needs a complex SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system. Thats why we offer tailored monitoring solutions that run on your network. Our products are designed for businesses looking for simplicity, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.

Our devices offer seamless integration with existing infrastructure and can be deployed in various industries. Whether you're managing a production line or monitoring equipment performance, our user-programmable devices offer the flexibility and ease of use you need.

Typical Applications
  • CNC Machines
  • 3D Printers
  • Custom Electronic Assemblies
  • Conveyor Operations
  • PLC Integration

Get Your Device Today!

About ZIoT

At ZIoT Systems, we lead the way in cutting-edge monitoring solutions. Our system is anchored by durable sensors meticulously crafted to attach securely to your equipment. These devices provide exhaustive monitoring of vibration, force, and other parameters for all your machines.

Our devices effortlessly integrate with your Wi-Fi network, facilitating seamless data transmission to our secure dashboard. You can run the dashboard on your local machine. Each device is capable of monitoring up to eight points, ensuring comprehensive coverage around the clock. Whether you require periodic readings or prefer on-demand triggers, our system offers customizable options tailored to your specific needs.

ZIoT devices connect to our advanced communications dashboard, utilizing encrypted channels for seamless integration. Installation is quick and hassle-free, with our devices typically operational within minutes. Our monitoring website, a meticulously designed platform, presents every reading on a customized dashboard, providing users with a comprehensive overview of their operations.

How To Use Your ZIoT Device

For more application info, please contact us below.

Features and Benefits

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Fast Setup

Install and activate your ZIoT device in minutes, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

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Quick Plug and Play

Connect your ZIoT device to a wide variety of equipment with our plug-and-play solution.

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Intuitive Dashboard

Access a comprehensive view of your operations through our secure, user-friendly dashboard.

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User Programmable

Easily modify and optimize device functions to suit your evolving business processes.

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Extensive Device Ecosystem

Benefit from a robust network of devices working together.

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Cost Effective

Achieve high-level monitoring without the hefty price tag of a full SCADA system.

Get Your ZIoT Device